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First Saturday Sci-Fi - Sept 2018

I was in the Home Depot this pass Thursday and they have Halloween stuff out already ! Floor to ceiling Halloween for the next 2 months... wow!

This month we are talking to Sci-Fi writer Craig Wainwright. here is his story in his own words...

When I was a kid in the late 70’s, my brother bought Jeff Wayne’s “The War of the Worlds” and I determined I could do better. So, borrowing my brother’s records (I had no records myself at this point), I made stories up using the music. It was during those distant psychedelic times, the character of Omega and the planet Hellas was born.

Roll forward 40 years and here I am, still talking about the same man. But hold on a minute, another strong character has just come on the scene. Meet Andromeda, his Pair-Bonded mate, who’s mad about him. When I wrote the book her character sang out first, as I slowly got to grips with multi facets of Omega, she allowed me to keep faith in my ability to capture someone’s essence. As individuals these two are formidable, but together they are capable of almost anything. This unbreakable bond is what makes me love this couple and their world; there’s no infidelity here, just the love of two people who are battling an evil which threatens their world.

These characters have been with me through thick and thin, while likewise I’ve stayed loyal to them. Producing this first book has been a pleasure and I hope any new readers get as much pleasure as have from it as I have.

1. Tell us about your favorite work… what makes it special ?

This is going to sound very pompous, but I love all my work. Why? Well, because I write about one world and all of it has a function – its own place within that world I’ve been creating for 40 odd years.

The Mythos I wrotea few years ago explain why things are they way they are on Hellas now. This takes the idea that a civilisation is built in layers and the modern version has its foundations firmly embedded in the past. Look at our world for instance; our civilisation is built on the principles of Ancient Greece. However, these Mythos also explain how the people are the way they are. So the Nurfas people are almost fishlike in appearance and one story explains how they became like this. Unlike Earth, these stories are based on fact – though the modern Hellenes are more detached for them than their older brethren. Andromeda’s reaction about the Sun People near the end of Book 1 is an example.

The Last Titan is about this world, but after its been destroyed – shattered by the greed of one man.

2. What do you think makes for good Sci-Fi ?

That’s a very good question and if knew the answer I’d bottle it and make a fortune. I can only speak personally, but for me Sci-Fi needs to be accessible to everyone. It needs to hit people on an emotional level as well as a good story and strong characters.Gone are the days you could create photofit characters for specific roles and just write them into a TV programme or book. My own work is very much driven by the story, but within that framework I’ve tried to make each character strong, with their own histories, motivations and personalities.Even a guard who appears in one chapter has a full history.

As well as emotional depth, good Sci-Fi needs multiple layers so people of different age ranges can enjoy it. Doctor Who, when its done well, is very good at this. The children will watch it for the monsters, but much of what the writer is saying is lost to them. On the other hand, the adults get the humanity and the meanings behind the story. They may even get in-jokes and smile to themselves or see double meanings that the younger audience simply wouldn’t see. I like that. Fans love that.

3. Do you think your books can help shape the future and if so how?

Not sure my books can shape the future, but I’d love to think that maybe they can help shape the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre in their own little way. The superhero films/comics are very good, but the ideas have been mainly limited to Earth and human superheros. What happens if we take Earth out of that equation and have the superheros on another planet and they themselves have become the endangered species? What if they have to face obstacles which would crush humans, yes, but they must overcome these to win through and survive.Add to that mix their beliefs, history and religion. You now start getting superheros who are more 3D than before, and they’re not even human! That’s what I’m trying to do here.

4. Do you have inside jokes or true events hidden in your writing?

One of the characters in the book is named after a North Yorkshire village. I just saw the name when I was passing through and thought ‘got to use that!’ So I did.

5. Which do you prefer… model your characters after people you know or just make them up?

I prefer to make the characters up. If you model characters on someone you’re already putting limits on that character that don’t need to be there.

Physically we’re talking a very different matter. Ferrenway, a tall slim character from the books, was written with Karen Gillam in mind. She’s perfect for the character’s physique and because she’s such a fine actress, if they ever made a film based on my books, I’d go for her every time.

6. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to take away?

There are no messages or hidden meanings in the book. However, the first draft of this tome was written during a very painful time in my life, when I lost my parents within a couple of years of one another. Some of that loss has come into the book as the Hellenes look back at what they once had before the war destroyed their world.

I would say that the Hartos mating rituals are attractive too. There’s no infidelity amongst these people – they are made for one another and love their mates with both their hearts. I find that refreshing and it allows me to study the relationship between Omega and Andromeda, his mate, in depth – from their first meeting all the way through to the end of this first series. Throughout this time, we’ll see how they react as each new development and object is thrown at them,

I’d say then, you might take away a sense of loss and monogamy is a good thing.

7. What is your favorite review?

My first review was a relief because it was from a someone who liked the book. The lovely thing was that he emailed me and wrote the following at the end of it: “If you don't continue this series, you are denying the world something very special, that stands on its own, and that deserves to be read!”

When you’ve lived and breathed something for as long as I have, that one statement took on quite a significant meaning for me and I was quite moved.

What comes next?

I can say that there is much more to come – these stories need to be, and will be, told. I love the characters and want everyone to as well.So I’m already writing book 2.

Omicron, from book one, was just the startof it. Now the Hellene race must face their biggest challenge; the coming of the Other and the battle between this character and Omega will be epic – promise. Its spread over three books and builds as the jeopardy mounts. Along the way, Omega must gain allies if he is to have any chance of facing the coming storm; he must discover the answer to big secrets which encompass the very essence of Hellas and then face his nemesis in a showdown which will affect, not only the course of history on Hellas, but also Earth and many other worlds as well.

Where can we learn more?

My website is being updated in the next few days and will have lots of new artwork and info about the Ten Tribes, the people from Hellas. The site URL is:

My book can be found at the following locations on amazon:

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