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First Saturday Sci-Fi - November

Can you believe it's November? Me neither! Today we interview one of Sci-Fi's up and comers Teresa Snyder! Here's a few accolades that have been sprinkled her way...

“Scifi reminiscent of Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein” “Paranormal like a breath of fresh air in a genre that has become formatted” “Fantasy beautifully written with complex characters that children to adults can appreciate” “Memoirs that are heartwarming, funny and soothing to the spirit”

Tell us about your favorite work… what makes it special?

My characters are what make my works special. All my books are character-driven. And I must admit when I am not with the one I love, I love the one I am with. *grins*

Currently, I am working hard on a book-to-film deal for my dragon, Farloft, so I have been writing a first draft script and spending a lot of time with my dragon muse. So even though this is a sci-fi interview, I have to admit at the moment I am into my fantasy.

What do you think makes for good Sci-Fi?

I love writing scifi because I can play. I get to build worlds and characters and situations that you wouldn’t be able to come in contact with in a regular fictional world. As for what I think makes scifi good, well I would have to say very strong characters. If you get wrapped up with a character when you are reading, you care about what happens to him, then that is a great scifi book.

Do you think your books can help shape the future and if so how?

I don’t know if my books could help shape the future, but I know scifi books as a whole do. I think this has actually been proved to be true. Asimov spent time hanging around the space center and Bradbury was best friends with Astronauts. We have seen a lot of the inventions and happenings in their works come to fruition. Robotics, drones, self-driving automobiles all showed up in books prior to becoming real models in our lifetime. Look at our smart phones, they are directly linked to the Star Trek communication devices. I think cutting edge scifi pushes the envelope and makes technology strive to get there.

Do you have inside jokes or true events hidden in your writing?

Many of my characters have traits of friends or family members. Also, there are events that are slightly altered, but recognizable to those in the know in many of my books. They say you write what you know about, so if you write scifi you can’t help but throw a few friends under the bus. *chuckles*

Which do you prefer… model your characters after people you know or just make them up?

As I said in #4 many of my characters have traits of people I know, but usually I alter them a bit. Also, with the bad guys I usually make them up because I don’t know any really bad folks. Just mischievous folks. I have been known to write in an ex-boyfriend and then kill him off is some horrible, excruciating way.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to take away?

Tolerance. I was raised in the Star Trek generation where we hoped that when me met aliens they would be friendly, and we could all get along. I hope for that among humans as well and I try to portray the diversity of cultures and societies, but the acceptance of that diversity.

What is your favorite review?

I have several. I love it when they compare my scifi to the great masters like Asimov, Heinlein and Bradbury. What an incredible honor.

What comes next?

I have two scifi novels in the works. The third in my “In2Minds” trilogy is in 1st draft form and I hope to have it out the first part of the new year.

I am working on a new series. I have given some glimpses of it on my Serial Story blog. It is called the Star Trader and the events of this series will take place in the missing four years of my Star Traveler Series.

The Star Trader is a kickass female named 3su who manages to get into some pretty harrowing situations. One of her missions is free to those who would like to pick it up, “Body Bags and Other Dark Places.”

Where can we learn more?

Everything you want to know about me, books, links, social media, YouTube, Soundcloud, “everything” is on my website. Get on… poke around… lots of free stuff to read on the blogs.

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