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First Saturday Sci-Fi - July

Can you believe its July? That makes Christmas what... 3 weeks away? Yikes !

So... for July we're talking to Mike Watson... multi genre writer who began writing later than many at the age of 50. He was diagnosed with cancer and decided if he was ever going to write a book, this was the time. That was eleven years ago and is currently writing his seventh book, cancer free.

He is now a semi-retired geologist with a back ground in both the petroleum and environmental industries and a surveyor of environmental sites. The claims of fracking leading to earthquakes sparked his interest in writing the Aftershock series.

As a multi genre writer tell us about your favorite work… why that genre? Why that story?

A favorite genre that I like to read is action/adventure and my favorite author in that genre is Clive Cussler, so that was the direction I went for my first book. In the Jack Trader adventure series the characters live in SW Colorado, another favorite place. The first book was The Nestorian Alliance and in it the geologist/self-taught archaeologist goes on a quest for Noah's Ark after an ancient talisman is found with a clue to its location. I've always enjoyed stories of searches for it.

What do you think makes for good Sci-Fi ?

For the author to keep the story fresh and unpredictable.

Do you think your books can help shape the future and if so how?

Not my adventure books. They are strictly for entertainment. However, my newest post-apocalyptic Aftershock series might cause readers to consider being a bit more prepared for the unexpected, like a natural disaster, even though that's not the intent behind the writing.

Would you share an insider tidbit about your writing?

I think a writer should do what works best for them. Experimentation is how one finds out. I've been to writer's conferences where I was told it was imperative to outline the book. Others have said the exact opposite, writing by the seat-of-your-pants. I am the latter.

Which do you prefer…making up your characters or modeling them after people you know?

I make up my characters, but I'm sure I'm influenced by the traits of people I know or read about or watch in the movies/TV.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to take away?

This would go back to my Aftershock series. Be prepared. You don't have to be a fanatic, but considering a few safeguards would be a good idea.

What is your favorite review?

I felt grateful to receive a review from William Bernhardt, NY Times bestselling author: "Smart, exciting, and apocalyptic, now I have another reason to be afraid of earthquakes."

What comes next?

The first book in the Aftershock series, Paradise, is out. Book two, Exodus, is out for review, and I'm currently writing book three.

Where can we learn more?

Please check out my author's page for all my books on Amazon. The Paradise link on Amazon is

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